Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Linking Strategy

Let’s clarify first, the basics of linking strategies. Then let’s take a look at how to use this linking strategy to have a high rank on the search engines lists.

Some elements must be clarified first of all: an outbound link is a link going out of a website. An inbound link is a link coming in from another site to yours. Reciprocal links are the links between two sites, often based on an agreement between the owner of the two websites. A link checker is a tool to check for broken links. Deep linking means linking to a web page other than a site’s home page.

Inbound links are sending visitors to a page from a website. It is a very good link, increasing the site’s traffic and fulfilling an important requirement for search engines algorithms. Outbound links are sending the visitors away from a website. Website owners are in very different positions facing the outbound links.

New windows can be opened, some are linking freely. For commercial websites, outbound links losing time and money. Outbound links can be a risk if the site is losing visitors and potential clients.

Other opinions are totally opposite: outbound links can improve the site ranking, increase the visitors’ number and there are also chances for the returns of many visitors.

As the web is becoming more commercial, deep linking becomes an important matter too. As the internet strength is to make a contact between a public document and information to another public document or information, the home page becomes very important to establish and maintain the brand and serving functions.

Deep linking is eliminating those advantages. There are also other opinions, consolidating the free modality to present information on a web site. A deep link is better than no link at all; an appropriate navigation structure can make the deep linking an advantage to clarity and functionality for a web site.

Reciprocal links are the result of an agreement between two site owners to have links to each other. The most frequent users of reciprocal links are the small/medium websites, searching for site’s popularity and willing to increase the site’s ranking.

Natural links extend a topic to a broader theme; they are always visible. Artificial links are adding value to the site’s owner, support a third party, but not the visitors. Artificial links, if they are illegitimate, are hidden from visitors. If artificial links are legitimate, they are at the bottom of the pages, usually places outside the primary areas of a web page.

Promote Your Articles

There are so many articles on the net on any given subject that any new article will be lost among them if you do not promote them. If you are not convinced, then run a search in any search engine for the topic on which you plan to write, or on which you already have an article. Any new article on a given topic would occupy something like the 50th or 100th position in the search result.

The biggest question is, would anyone look that far for an article. Think of your own unconscious search habits. Do you ever go beyond the first page of a search engine? Most people do not, and the second page is the maximum that a few go before they abandon the results. Clearly, your article should be on the first page, preferably among the first five, if it is ever to be discovered by potential readers.

The only solution is to bring people to your article, and keep bringing more people till some of them comment on the article and others decide to promote your article via linking or via recommendation. If you are serious about writing on the net, you should also aim at attaining a "critical mass" of readers to sustain your hobby. Once you are able to attract this critical mass, you can relax and give more energy to writing than promotion. However, you can never stop article-promotion altogether because the others who have written in the same subject continually compete with you to get a better position. Thus article-promotion is a long-term commitment for all serious net-writers.

How To Do It: There are as many ways as you wish if you keep thinking of ways to promote them. Here are some standard and well-tried methods that the experts use.

Place a signature file at the end of all your outgoing email that says something like "Do visit http://articlez.com/profile/Shastri/ today to see some of my life-changing articles". What you write in your sig file depends upon you, but if you do not do it, each email that you send is another loss for you (and for all of us who wish to see good articles promoted)

Place links to your articles at the end of every blog post that you make. If you do not have a personal blog so far, then I would say I am shocked. You are losing a great opportunity to create a market, a name, and a following and an independent platform for your writings.

If you give away your articles to websites that do not belong to you, for example the Factoidz site, then do reuse them on your personal site after allowing a gap if those websites allow you to do so.

Looks for Egroups, Ezines, news-sites, etc that allow announcement about your articles. (Search for these terms in any search engine, and you will find more sites than you can use).

Place links to good articles on the same subject at the end of your article, and do send a note to the writer of the other resource about what you have done. Many of them will reciprocate.

You need to establish your "authority" and "presence" on the net to promote your articles. These come only if you keep writing within the areas of your expertise, and also if you keep promoting them till you get a critical mass of readership.

Directory Submission

If you are a webmaster, you will want your site to rank on the search engine. Before your website can rank, it must have backlinks. There are two ways to obtain backlinks including link exchange and one way link. A few years ago, link exchange was extremely effective in ranking the site. However, Google had reduced the effectiveness of link exchange after many people attempted to spam the search engine. One way link is the best because it prevents your site from leaking out any page rank points.

When submitting to directories, make sure you read the submission guidelines. It is important to submit to the lowest category that is most relevant to your site. Some directories have disabled the submit link in the homepage to prevent users from submitting to the top category. If you submit to the top category, the moderator will have to spend time moving it to the appropriate category. Most directory moderators would rather not move the site to the right category. Instead, they will just delete it from the directory. Once the site is deleted from the database, you will have lesser chance of getting approved in the directory. Therefore, you should only submit to the most relevant category. For example, if you own a Graphics tutorial site, you should submit it to Home > Computers & Internet > Graphics > Learning and Tutorials instead of Home > Computers & Internet > Graphics.

Some directories offer reciprocal for a better listing position. If you want to do reciprocal link, you should only link to reputable directory. Before performing a reciprocal link exchange, you should first check if the directory is listed in Google as well as the number of backlinks it has. It is recommended that you don’t do too much reciprocal linking otherwise it will affect your ranking the search engine.

The description should vary slightly to prevent duplication problem. If possible, you can write a different version of the description for each directory. You should use the official page title as the title in the directory submission. The titles and description must describe the content on the site. You are advised not to use promotional words in the titles or description as it increase the risk of your site getting declined.

The category which you choose should not be too crowded. If it is too crowded, you can find an alternative category that has less listing. The listing page should not contain too many links. Good directory will have up to 15 links per page. Page that has too many outgoing links is referred as link farm. Having a backlink on a page that has too many outgoing links will produce zero benefits for your site.

After submitting to the directory, you will have to patiently wait for the editor to approve your site. For free submission, it will normally take 1 day to 3 months. If you purchase a paid submission, your link will be live on the directory in a short amount of time.